Moving toward the new Dark Ages
Lacey’s pharmacist and Kelley’s doctors are among hundreds, perhaps thousands, of physicians and pharmacists who now adhere to a controversial belief that birth control pills and other forms of hormonal contraception–including the skin patch, the vaginal ring, and progesterone injections–cause tens of thousands of “silent” abortions every year. Consequently, they are refusing to prescribe or dispense them.
It gets even scarier when you read the whole article.
I suppose the one bright side would be that things like this might show more women just how insane some members of the so-called “pro-life” movement are.
[via various sources, including NNN]
Some things astound me!
Moving toward the new Dark Ages
Trackback made by on July 4, 2004 @ 9:14 am
Religious Lines
This is, to me, one of those interesting questions about where reasonable lines can be drawn between good and bad. My intitial reaction on following Joe’s link was the same as his–what do these people think they’re doing, don’t they have an obligation…
Trackback made by BillSaysThis on July 4, 2004 @ 12:55 pm
Some things astound me!
Moving toward the new Dark Ages
Trackback made by on July 4, 2004 @ 3:16 pm