Various reactions to the State of the Union
It’s taken me longer to pull this post together than I’d planned, but here’s a whole bunch of news and commentary about Bush’s State of the Union address this past Tuesday:
Bush launches US re-election bid — A straightforward report on the speech, but with an excellent choice of headline.
George W Bush and the real state of the Union — A great roundup of statistics about Bush’s record in office.
Bush’s Defiant State of the Union — A look at some of Bush’s lies (and delusions) from the SOTU.
“The Emperor Has No Clothes”: Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky on
Bush’s State of the Union Address — Commentary on the differences between Bush’s view of the world and reality.
SOTU Speech…Worst. Speech. Ever — Some fine comments about the speech.
Yawn Of The Union — Still more comments about the SOTU
The White House’s Truth Deficit — Calpundit on Bush’s lies about the deficit.
Patriot Act: Needs a Fix, Not Renewal — TalkLeft on the ACLU’s response to Bush’s SOTU comments about the Patriot Act, and how the Act can be fixed.
The price of deceit — An editorial piece about Bush’s continued lies about Iraq
Sinking Ship — More on the disconnect between Bush’s Iraq policy and reality.
Bush Savings Accounts- Theft from Future — Nathan Newman on why Bush’s proposed Lifetime Savings Accounts “are possibly THE largest threat to economic equity in the tax code.”
The State of Spending — Even the conservatives over at the Heritage Foundation didn’t like Bush’s budget ideas.
Sins Of Omission — A piece about how Bush completely ignored the environment during his SOTU speech.