Archive for January, 2003

Not a war

January 13th, 2003 – 9:04 pm
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“This is not a war. Iraq will not be a war. Do we understand this? We do not seem to understand this. This is heavily corporatized power brokers killing each other for oil and capital. Oh yes it is. Let’s be perfectly clear. You cannot have a war when the so-called enemy has done nothing […]

Governor Ryan does the right thing

January 13th, 2003 – 8:52 pm
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“All prisoners in the US state of Illinois awaiting execution have had their death sentences commuted. Governor George Ryan, a Republican who leaves office on Monday, told 156 inmates on death row that they no longer face dying by lethal injection. The unprecedented move, the most radical since the death penalty was reintroduced in 1976, […]

More on Bush’s economic plan

January 13th, 2003 – 8:18 pm
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“The centerpiece of the Bush economic program is permanent repeal of the tax on corporate dividends, falsely advertised as an economic ‘stimulus.’ The Bush plan would reduce revenues by $670 billion over 10 years, about half just from repeal of the dividend tax. The proposal is bad economics and irresponsible budget policy. Two-thirds of the […]

The Boondocks

January 13th, 2003 – 8:08 pm
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There have been a couple of especially good Boondocks cartoons during the past week. Check them out here and here.

Joseph Lieberman for President?

January 13th, 2003 – 7:58 pm
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“So, what’s not to like about Joe? Well, once you get beyond his style and his Big Money prowess, he looks nearly identical to George W. Bush on most key issues: Iraq, trade, missile defense, homeland security, corporate tax favors and faith-based gestures. He’s positioned himself to run to the right of Bush on war […]

Freedom Illustrated

January 13th, 2003 – 7:45 pm
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“In the aftermath of September 11, freedom of speech has been under attack. Political cartoonists are not immune. In some cities cartoonists have been fired or lost freelance jobs because of cartoons critical of U.S. policy or for using ‘wrong’ metaphors. Even nationally-known artists, such as Boondocks cartoonist Aaron McGruder and Ted Rall have been […]

An anonymous rant

January 13th, 2003 – 7:36 pm
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A rant I saw posted anonymously over on the cypherpunks list last week. While I don’t agree with one hundred percent of it, I do agree with some. Plus, I just like it… “I regret to inform you that henceforth, the Constitution and derivative laws will be used only in a public relations sense as […]

A quote

January 6th, 2003 – 8:49 pm
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“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power” — Mussolini

Corporations are not people

January 6th, 2003 – 8:48 pm
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“On December 9, Porter Township, a municipality of 1,500 residents in northwestern Pennsylvania, became the first town in America to ban corporate involvement in their local government. As Paul Cienfuegos reports in Democracy Unlimited, township officials passed a binding law stripping corporations of their civil and constitutional privileges, privileges that have traditionally been used to […]


January 6th, 2003 – 8:48 pm
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“The FCC has initiated a proceeding that will lead to further dramatic changes in our media system. It’s clear the FCC Chairman Michael Powell and the Bush-controlled Federal Communications Commission plans to end or weaken federal policies that have served as an important ‘check and balance’ system for much of our media. These changes will […]