The anti-war movement

January 21st, 2003 – 10:04 pm
Tagged as: Uncategorized

“Just maybe the zeitgeist is beginning to shift. This week a Pew poll found that only 42 percent of Americans believe that President Bush has made the case for war—down from 52 percent in September. Last week, a huge Chicago local of the Teamster’s—one of the unions that’s been cosiest with the Bush White House—hosted the launch of a national labor antiwar coalition. Republican business leaders raised concerns about a war with a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal. Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, joined a list of 38 city councils that have passed antiwar resolutions. And despite freezing temperatures that never topped 24 degrees, more than 100,000 demonstrators took over the streets of Washington, D.C., on Saturday in the second massive national antiwar protest in three months.”

Following this past weekends latest round of protests, there is lots of coverage (at least on the web) of the anti-war movement. The Village Voice piece above is one of the better ones, but you can read more here, here, here and lots of other places.

Of course, we’ll have to wait and see if all of this does any good. Both Bush and his lapdog in the U.K., Tony Blair, seem determined to go ahead with this war no matter what either their own people or the rest of the world think about the idea.

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