Archive for 'Miscellaneous'

Goodbye Furl, hello Delicious

March 19th, 2009 – 8:23 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

The death of, which is what I’d been using to provide the headlines that sit at the top of the left column, has finally motivated me to switch to something else. The headlines are now coming via my bookmarks at, with the added benefit of clippings when you hover over a headline, and […]

The reason for the season

December 25th, 2005 – 10:12 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

Venezuela: President Hugo Chavez praised Jesus Christ as a revolutionary hero during a Christmas Eve visit to a homeless shelter. “For me, Christmas is Christ. The rebel Christ, the revolutionary Christ, the socialist Christ,” he said during a televised speech from the shelter. — AP

Helping the South Asian earthquake victims

October 10th, 2005 – 8:06 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

The effects of Hurricane Katrina were a tragedy. This is worse. Please donate:


September 18th, 2005 – 1:52 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

In an effort to make the information on this weblog a bit more timely, I’ve added an item in the right column called Noteworthy, which is a feed of the entries I’ve most recently added to my Furl page (there’s also a RSS feed available). Furl is a site I’ve recently discovered that’s been useful […]

The obligatory Red Cross link

August 31st, 2005 – 10:52 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

Give generously to the Red Cross’ disaster relief fund.

Happy Independence Day

July 4th, 2005 – 10:45 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, […]

RSS Feed

July 3rd, 2005 – 5:09 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

When the switch to WordPress changed the address for Wake Up’s RSS feed, I decided it was a good opportunity to switch to using Feedburner. The new feed URL is:

Switching over to WordPress

July 3rd, 2005 – 1:20 pm
Tagged as: Miscellaneous

I’ve just switched Wake Up over from MT to the latest version of WordPress. There’s still plenty to be done, including fixing the feeds, adding links to the sidebar, and overhauling the look of the page, but the initial switch seems to have gone smoothly.