Defining patriotism (again)
Digby lays into those Democrats who have decided that an effective strategy is to call those of us who opposed the Iraq war “unpatriotic”:
Being lectured all the time by effete DC Democrats on “patriotism” because I don’t back their reflexively hawkish foreign policy is not only insulting it’s dumb. It plays into stereotypes that only serve the Republicans by turning this into a dick measuring contest when we should be turning the conversation into who can get the job done. I would submit that if anyone’s been traumatized by the Vietnam experience it’s the tired Democratic national security hawks who are always rushing to support military action, no matter how insanely counterproductive, because some Republican somewhere might call him a pussy. They’ve been around since the 60’s too. Hell, they’ve been around forever.
Amen to that.
[via Atrios]