Archive for May, 2005

A National ID Card

May 9th, 2005 – 8:58 pm
Tagged as: Politics,Rights

What do you do if the majority of Americans don’t want a national ID card? You add it on to a military appropriations bill about which there will be little or no debate, and you call it the REAL ID Act. The United States is getting a national ID card. The REAL ID Act (text […]

This is not the terrorist you’re looking for

May 8th, 2005 – 8:59 pm
Tagged as: Terrorism

Apparently our Fearless Leader and his cronies are once again trying to act like a minor arrest is some great victory in the “War on Terror.” It’s just not true. Bush called him a �top general� and �a major facilitator and chief planner for the Al- Qaeda network�. Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state, said he […]

Iraq strife

May 7th, 2005 – 10:55 am
Tagged as: Uncategorized

Professor Cole has an excellent article [Salon day pass required] up at Salon where he discusses the strength of the insurgency in Iraq and, more importantly, the divisions that threaten to tear the country apart.