Lies about filibusters

May 21st, 2005 – 9:05 pm
Tagged as: Media,Politics

Media Matters for America provides a list of the top 10 filibuster falsehoods:

With Senate debate on two of President Bush’s most controversial judicial nominees beginning May 18, the heated rhetoric over the so-called “nuclear option” to ban Senate filibusters on judicial nominations has reached its boiling point. The rules of the Senate thus far remain intact, but filibuster opponents have pulled all rhetorical stops, advancing numerous falsehoods and distortions, and, as Media Matters for America documents below, the media have too often perpetuated that misinformation by unskeptically, and sometimes even deliberately, repeating it.

Once again the Republicans have chosen to use half-truths and outright lies, because, as has been the case with so much of their agenda over recent years, if they tell the public the truth they’ll get nowhere. Why does the mainstream media keep letting them get away with it?

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