Scare tactics
Let’s see, Attorney General Ashcroft goes out on Wednesday, a few days after Bush’s poll numbers go further into the tank, and launches another scare campaign about upcoming terrorism. It’s based on a combination of information that’s been around for months and threats from a group that most people in the intelligence community don’t take seriously. The announcement also came as a surprise to the Homeland Security Department (the ones who are supposed to be dealing with this stuff), which doesn’t think it’s important enough to warrant raising the terror threat level.
In other words, it was a desperate political ploy to try and control the headlines, and to try and remind the American people that only G.W. Bush and his cronies can protect them.
And did you see that little chat on CNN that basically equatted a Kerry vote as acceding to Osama’s wishes?
I hate to put on my tinfoil hat and start worrying about a Reichstag fire…
Comment made by Paul on May 29, 2004 @ 12:42 pm
While I’m not actually expecting some sort of stunt where the elections get suspended because of a threat to national security or something, I also wouldn’t be entirely surprised to see it happen, depending on how desperate the Bush-ites are this fall.
Comment made by Michael on May 30, 2004 @ 9:07 pm