Bush vs. the environment

October 27th, 2003 – 9:53 pm
Tagged as: Uncategorized

Here’s last week’s op-ed ad by TomPaine.com, this time taking the Bush administration to task for it’s plans for the environment.

So if it’s good for the environment and good for the economy, why is the administration proposing to eviscerate NEPA, by restricting the use of environmental impact reports and exempting projects from public scrutiny? That’s a question for James Connaughton. As head of Bush’s Council on Environmental Quality, which proposed the rollbacks, he’ll soon decide their fate.

Oh yes. Before he was Bush’s top advisor on the environment, Mr. Connaughton had an illustrious career as an oil industry lobbyist.

As always, the page includes links to other interesting articles on the topic, so it’s well worth a read.

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