Remember Jose Padillo?

June 16th, 2003 – 9:45 pm
Tagged as: Uncategorized

More than a year has passed, and Jose Padillo, the man accused of planning to detonate a “dirty bomb” in the U.S., is still in prison and still has never been able to speak with his lawyer. It seems obvious that the reason he’s been declared an “enemy combatant” (despite being a U.S. citizen) is that the government doesn’t have enough evidence against him to convict him of any crime, so he is going to simply be kept in prison for an indefinite amount of time. So much for things like the right to a fair trial.

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  1. 1

    i want to know why the media is not running with this story. it seems tha it would be a big story which will intrigue the public since it deals with government corruption

    Comment made by david nunez on June 5, 2004 @ 1:27 pm

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