Archive for May, 2003

A belated Happy May Day

May 3rd, 2003 – 10:45 pm
Tagged as: Uncategorized

I’m sure that all of those who supported the war are glad that they have won the Iraqi Communist Party the freedom to once again march in celebration of May Day. I’ll bet you didn’t see any pictures of that on FOX, because, despite the fact that the ICP is a reformed party that now […]

Those Canadians don’t understand the meaning of freedom!

May 3rd, 2003 – 10:23 pm
Tagged as: Uncategorized

Though apparently in this case “freedom” means the freedom of the government to investigate citizens. A recent U.S. State Department report on global terrorism includes complaints about the Canadian government paying too much attention to civil liberties (by way of privacy laws) and not spending enough on law enforcement. I’m sure the people of Canada […]