Lies, damned lies, and privatization
“So GOP candidates everywhere dodged, flip-flopped and just plain lied to convince voters that they’re NOT for privatizing Social Security. ‘Conservative politicians with long and specific records of support for Social Security privatization suddenly decided to denounce the whole idea,’ wrote Roger Hickey, Hans Riemer, and Adam Luna in a post-election report by the Campaign for America’s Future. ‘In race after race, the very word ‘privatization’ — once used proudly by George W. Bush, the Cato Institute, and other privatizers — was abandoned almost overnight.'”
Last week’s op-ed ad by took the GOP to task for their attempts to pretend, at least for the length of the campaign season, that they weren’t for privatizing Social Security (a plan that would screw both current and future Social Security recipients). In addition to the ad, they also did a couple of features and a question & answer article on the topic.
Read it all here.