The best laid plans…

October 19th, 2002 – 8:57 pm
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“Oh, the irony and symbolic fecklessness of our foreign policy! The White House was so confident, the chickenhawks were so arrogant, the warhawks were so gung-ho to go in there and prove that the U.S. of A was going to assert its global hegemony after the humbling shock of 9/11 – and it all went up in smoke in an instant, as the North Korean monster rose from hidden depths and took the Bushies by surprise.”

Justin Raimondo, editor of, has a great column up about how the announcement by North Korea that they’ve been working on nuclear weapons may totally torpedo the proposed war on Iraq. I don’t agree with the idea that the North Koreans are likely to start firing nukes in the near future, but just the thought that they might means the President now needs to refocus his attention.

Or, of course, he may just downplay the problem and hope it goes away.

Read the article here, and a background story here.

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