Archive for April 19th, 2005

April 19, 2005: 10:26 pm: Miscellaneous

I’ve realized that the locations of the RSS feeds for this blog have also changed during the MT -> WP switch. Doh. If you’ve been reading this site via RSS, please change the address to:

There’s also a straight RSS feed for those RSS readers that can’t handle Feedburner feeds:

I’d prefer that people use the Feedburner feed when possible though.

The flaming_monkey feed on LJ is also currently down because of the change, and I’ll post when I get that working again. How long it will take depends on how quickly LJ support gets around to changing the feed URL.

Update: The flaming_monkey LJ feed is working again.

: 10:05 pm: Miscellaneous

As you can see, I’ve made some changes to Flaming Monkey, the most important of which is that I’ve switched from Moveable Type 2.661 to WordPress 1.5.

Unfortunately, the way MT saved posts among the multiple MT-hosted blogs here means that the links to individual posts on Flaming Monkey are no longer the same as they were before. I apologize if that breaks any links.

The appearance of this page is likely to continue to change as I play around with the theme, but I hope that will cause a minimal amount of disruption to the actual content.